Tuesday, 14 December 2010


...never been further to the east of the world! Not that it actually matters... But me being a geographer by education and a traveler by profession, I keep the 4 cardinal points as a "strong" reference framework!

What do you know about Azerbaijan? I didn't know much and by the time I went, I had only met a few people from there.

Now I know a bit more, although my 2 days staying there was definitely not enough.

The Caspian sea, the high quality caviar, the gas and oil companies, the huge constructions and re-constructions and more.

Above all nice people, really nice people...(well, maybe not some of the ones at the airport)... that made me feel at home.

I had some wonderful moments in an orphanage school where there was a "European night" organized. I'll be really happy to see some of these children taking advantage of European opportunities in the future. Trust me, there were very eager to know about Europe and what it offers!

As they were greatly interested in the "yoyo" I offered to them...this thingie never goes out of interest!

If any wind takes you to that side of the world, a walk on the seaside, or up to the hills and definitely some wandering around the market (bazzaar) will supply you with good memories to share later!

Until next time,


P.S Thank you Akshin, your organization "Human Rights in the 21st Century" and the Council of Europe that made this possible.

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