Monday, 23 June 2008

That's what sports is all about

Spain won over Italy last night in a match that didn't satisfy me but still I feel the "football bliss" of the Saturday night's match during which two of my favorite teams kept me away from the beach bar for 2 hours...which is anyway not the easiest thing in the world to be done!
But I am far from being a sports' reporter. I just know that the Italian guy being interviewed by a Greek channel, made me stop my lunch and try not to become so emotionally charged when he said "Italy lost and that sorrows me...but my girlfriend is happy - and he smoothly drugs her closer to him so the camera catches her - because she is Spanish...and I am happy she is happy!!!" Even the most distant dualities - like sorrow and happiness - collide creatively...and generate life...when people meet.


1 comment:

oogi said...

oh my god, it is really so beautyful, i have now my feminin emotional moment...I would like to shake the hand of that man... and say well sayed... that girl was i think superduper happy... i go and call now to say" I love you" to somebody:)