Wednesday, 7 May 2008


It's been a long time since I last posted something. Well, I want to believe that this "silence" has helped me to clarify things about how I would like that my blog looks like, what it should contain and how I can make it more meaningful. It's for sure that from now on the posts will be more related to my "professional" rather than my "personal" one; although the former involves and includes a lot of the latter. Posts will be short, brief, concise, up-to-date and informative; longer posts, "deep" ideas unfolding and analysis, will have their place too, but not too often. The content will most usually be around the triptych Europe - Youth - Training. But whenever I feel that these or any other sort of restrictions, block me, I will break them! I am also working on techniques to improve readability and to have the blog enhanced with more media and interesting "web programming" stuff. Ideas, are more than welcome.
Thanks a million to some people whose wish to read my writings has been the main push to start blogging again. It is from those and beyond that their comments are expected!

Long live the alphabet!



Anonymous said...

go sakis!!

looking forward to read your new posts:)

oogi said...

it was also verry verry good and good again to read your blogs in themes, "i am sitting in my balcony, wind blowing in my hear..." and "yesterday i was in one so deepcool musicfest, surrounded with the crowd, who maybe felt all the same,in the same moment, like i did.All these thousants of people... " style posts.HOw else so many of your friends and other animals could know about YOU and YOu and again about YOu:)!!!