Thursday, 31 May 2007

In a rush...

...well, I'm not sure that there is inspiration flowing through by brain cells at the moment but still I feel like putting down a couple of ideas tickling my brain and being eager to be shared!

One of them, which is a little bit sad but that's life unfortunately, is that one great figure of the European youth world died on Tuesday...Mr Peter Lauritzen...Never got to know him in person but I got to know him through his writings...May he rests in peace and his loving ones live long to remember him...His legacy can only be of inspiration for all of us that want to bring about change in Europe...and responsibility.

Responsibility, what a concept! I made a deal with my self; to become more responsible. And I made a deal with my self as a trainer; to focus more on the development of the self responsibility of the people I am working with; this is the fertile ground where everything else will grow; unfortunately this is what life, to most of us, have taught us not to be; responsible. We are always expecting things to come from outside (knowledge, wisdom, support...) - which is OK, but can't be the only way - and there is always someone or something else except ourselves whose fault was...on anything. There are exceptions in this "rule" that I can only tell them "thank you for being here and inspiring us"...

Being very inspired at the moment and I am sure it will last a lot, by all the wonderful people I met the last month; some made me angry, some made me laugh, some made me happy, some made me turn by back and think why, some made me feel so unique and some others made me feel I am nothing...You see, I am already placing the reason of my angerness, happiness etc. outside! Heck no, I just proved what I said above. But maybe I said it cause what I think and believe at the end of the day, is that nature is a circle not a line...and everything someone feels or does is stimulated by both worlds...the inner and the outer. I could say so much about these ideas now, but I am in a rush...

In a rush to catch the plane to Brussels where I'll have the chance to drink my favorite Chimay blue beer; well I just got to know that I can drink it also in my city, but it's a different thing to drink it in Belgium...In between beers ;) More wonderful moments and/with people are waiting to show up!

Until next time, put some music in your least this is what I do...and troubles dissapear, puuuuuuuum!

If you still wonder why I have put this photo for this text, the reason is because creating this "metaphor" was my most creative moment of the last month...imagine :)

Nagemiseni... (lovely Estonia, once more you proved to be an amazing country!)

Thursday, 3 May 2007

It could be "make love not war"...

...indeed the overall headline of the last days could be "make love not war". But before I let you know why, thank you primo for your encouragement, thank you Andrea for the wonderful photo, thank you New Order for the Perfect Kiss and thank you Bulgaria for the wonderful selection on your Eurovision song!!!
So, the first part of the headline, "make love" is shaped by the following little stories...
Brighton (where I was from 27/4 to 1/5) is the city of love - in a way - in England. Despite what the people say, it is a city that I would like to spend a couple of days with my future love...
It's been a while since I've last seen such a lovely, lovable and loving group in a training course...Well, in fact I don't want to categorize or to compare the groups I am working with once every group is unique, special and wonderful...But this one, hmmm...still I can't answer why but it, at least, offered me a lot of stimuli for reflection...
Connected to the previous paragraph, last night in this training course, party night, was love-overflow...Pfffff, so much love in the air, we could share with half of the world!
And Perfect Kiss is a lot about love...It was late in the night, dancing and singing with lovely people (see above) and suddenly someone (I think it was Marion...) selected it; and it did so from my laptop. I have this song since ages ago but never listened to it before...My reaction was, f*********************ck...Coelho was so right to let us know that the things that value the most are very close to us; it just takes a whole trip to the universe to make our eyes able to see them...
And the 1st of May was a lot about love and unity. The farm of "Daskalos" offered the necessary space for nice young people we are, to discuss, to play, to dring, to eat, to share and to enjoy the wonderful day and the atmosphere.
Fuuuu, the flow inside my brain is so smooth and tender that I find no reason to switch it to the second, "not war" part... But our friends need support and will to support starts from awareness...
I was shocked to hear my friend Maris from Estonia telling me about the situation the last days there; in fact my friend Stelios had already told me a couple of things about it (and he will be happy to know now that I made a reference to him :) ). I hadn't been so emotionally charged since....I can't recall. I looked for and at the news, I watched at videos ( and to be honest I am worried a lot about the situation there. Fortunately, the days now are very peaceful, and I hope that both sides will take the necessary measures and make the necessary steps towards harmony before the 9th of May, a day planned for a demonstration...Not sure who is right or wrong, but in fact I don't care...I only care about the safety of the people and the peace among them and for this I am determined to do anything...Anyway, the 18th of May I'll be there for another training, so I will have a "first hand" look at the situation... And above all, I will be with my friends that I love so much.
It doesn't smell like war, but still situation in Turkey is totally unstable, at least this is what I can pump out of the news...With the wish that things will get better for our Turkish friends...
Just please, wherever you are and whatever you do, think of the fact that some people, friends, are suffering (yes, is even much more than suffering not to be able to approach your home...) at the moment and they need support; our support. So give!
Indeed, a week with lots of emotions; and lots of clothes in my wardrobe (another "war" :) ) waiting to be packed; Poland here I come!
Love ***