Saturday, 7 April 2007

Not yet finished but a promising cold all over my body doesn't let me enjoy the last night with the people; well I have already pushed my self and frankly speaking, I had a very good time tonight, for the last 2 hours. But can't stand it any more...
It's been a wonderful experience; in a wonderful place; woody and muddy; green and grey; cold and warm. All in one.
The wooden houses and the fireplace; the green fields and the river; the dark clouds and the starry sky; the burning wood smell and the cold mornings. All as one.
My body surrenders...
It's so weird, and magic at the same time, how a bunch of "strange" people, never met before, become so close in just a few days. Well, this was not the first time to think about it but let me say that this idea was really reinforced during this course. How deep or how artificial is this "close"? Anyway, don't really know if this is the right moment to bother my mind, cause it really is tired. And it needs relax, rest and refreshment.
My body's failing...
Almost 15 days on the road around Europe...Running in the underground city of the airport of Frankfurt, arriving at Brussels straight to a "organized by friends, surprise birthday party" and then enjoying a fast "13.00 - 14.00" Brussels lunch, running to and being the last to arrive at the European Youth Week meeting, being through an interesting process of investigation on "what are we going to do?"...Ufff, more meeting, more Brussels, more airport, more skies...Since 10 days ago, in beautiful Estonia; developing and being developed.
My body's detached from my mind...
It seems like an endless discussion taking place...
Indeed, no end in mind from the beginning; but maybe now it's the time.