Tuesday, 27 February 2007

On the surface

If you are wondering what's the meaning of my blog's title, then maybe I heard your voice and here I am with a short analysis about it. Lucky you ;) "All+All=1" (allandallequals1) visualizes a series of underlying life theories of mine:

  • The simultaneous use of text and maths depicts the need for different parts of the brain to be stimulated and at the same time to work together in order people to learn to leave with inner peace and with respect to the surrounding environment.
  • The formula as such is calling for synthesis through antithesis, for unity through diversity, for harmony through confusion, for order through chaos, for simplicity through complexity...
  • Another possible meaning is that all and all (like, at the end of day, or, notwithstanding), all (meaning everyone; of course, all is this case needs to be used one extra time, but then it would be no mystery), equals (meaning is equal), 1 (like 1 is representing a criterion to which all human beings are equal to, with no exception). "All equal" in other terms...
So I've chosen this name and this place to put down thoughts and ideas related (most of the times) to the above elements.

Friday, 23 February 2007

What am I doing here?

Putting down ones' own brain bubbles is not an easy task. Personally, it took me several days, many thinking hours and lots of inquiry for motivation, in order to be here and now writing whatever I want and whatever is possible to be written. I think it is a curse and a gift at the same time; people are never able to write down (or speak out) exactly what their brains produce. Never. The more mediums they use the most possible it becomes for them to depict their cerebral products.
So, despite the extend that my ideas are able to be understood, I am benefiting this relatively new medium, blogging, to achieve a variety of goals; a good place to enhance and practice my English (pfffff), a platform to communicate and be communicated, a way-out-of-boredom, a proof for my self that I am young enough to follow trends and Internet advancements and lastly, the ever -lasting, -existing, -prevailing need to freely and limitless express my ideas. Read a couple of very annoying anti-blogging acts today; one took place in Greece and one in Egypt. Don't fool yourself, freedom doesn't really exist.

I still can't understand how this is happening with my self; everytime I sit down to write, initially, I want to be really light but always ending up putting out pieces of thought that eventually lead to deeper and deeper analysis, synthesis, divergence, convergence...And it is about to start now...almost...it starts...oooo it starts...Publish publish.